Content Moderator Cognitive Service - Moderating Profanity

What the content moderator service does is, as its name may suggest, provide you information that will help you automate moderation decisions. For example, you may want to hide images that are sexually explicit, or that contain some sort of adult content. In the example that we will be working with we will be hiding profanity (curse words) from a "tweet" (you know, for our imaginary Twitter for Kids app).

How to Build a Freaking Xamarin Forms App

Take this complete guide to Xamarin.Forms and learn to create a full Xamarin.Forms app that uses XAML to define the interface, that uses the NavigationPage to navigate between pages, that implements local databases with SQLite, that uses ListView and DataBinding to list elements from the database, that creates a ToolbarItem, and that is tested directly from Visual Studio 2017 into an Android and an iOS simulator.

Customizing iOS Navigation Bar and Tab Bar colors

Customizing the look and feel of an application is very important when communicating your brand's personality inside the software with which your users interact, it gives the application an identity, it can convey feelings, and most importantly, it gets designers off our backs after they so persistently insisted we implement the design they poured so much effort into creating.

All joking aside, it is an important step that many developers find to have low priority, but can have a huge impact on the user experience that can define whether a user returns to the app or not. In this post then, I will show you the steps that are necessary for you to customize the NavigationBar and TabBar colors on your iOS application.