directly from mexico, eduardo shares some knowledge on the xamarin platform. also, he is super into artificial intelligence, so you may also see some posts about that here.

ListView Issues - Custom Renderers and NumberOfRowsInSection

ListView Issues - Custom Renderers and NumberOfRowsInSection

As I was working with a ListView in Xamarin Forms I came across a couple of issues, here I explain how I solve some custom renders not being correctly displayed inside a ViewCell, and the NumberOfRowsInSection method throwing an exception when HasUnevenRows is set to true.

And here is the big discount I mentioned for my Complete Xamarin Course:

Content Moderator Cognitive Service - Moderating Profanity

Content Moderator Cognitive Service - Moderating Profanity

Inserting to a SQLite Table with WPF

Inserting to a SQLite Table with WPF