Distributing iOS applications can be tricky, with all the identifiers, provisioning profiles, and certificates that are required. What's more, each of these things can take different forms depending on the problem at hand.
All in DevOps
Distributing iOS applications can be tricky, with all the identifiers, provisioning profiles, and certificates that are required. What's more, each of these things can take different forms depending on the problem at hand.
Mobile DevOps with Microsoft's Visual Studio App Center is super easy and incredibly tailored to mobile developers, so enabling continuous delivery for an Android app will be very straight forward in this video.
Mobile DevOps with Microsoft's Visual Studio App Center is super easy and incredibly tailored to mobile developers, so enabling continuous integration for an iOS and/or Android app will be very straight forward in this video.
Wow, 4 new courses, I had never released so many courses in such a short period of time! But these 4 are actually the same course, only tailored to different mobile developers:
Android developers
iOS developers
React Native developers
Xamarin developers
All 4 courses will teach you how to use Microsoft’s Visual Studio App Center to automatically build your code, automatically test it in real devices hosted in the cloud, automatically deploy it to your users both from App Center and to the App Stores, and to get continuous feedback so you can plan the next release!