New on Xamarin Forms 3.4 - ImageButtons

It could be a bit of a pain to try to use Images as buttons, for those scenarios when you needed to display a certain image but also needed the user to be able to click on it, with all that that implies. A nice animation, perhaps change of color, and of course the triggering of an event or the ability to bind a Command. As of Xamarin Forms 3.4, this is no longer a pain, now you can define an ImageButton like you would define any element in the interface, and use it similarly to how you would use an Image, and make it respond to how a Button would.

Content Moderator Cognitive Service - Moderating Profanity

What the content moderator service does is, as its name may suggest, provide you information that will help you automate moderation decisions. For example, you may want to hide images that are sexually explicit, or that contain some sort of adult content. In the example that we will be working with we will be hiding profanity (curse words) from a "tweet" (you know, for our imaginary Twitter for Kids app).